
Search results

  1. A hybrid of culture-dependent and multiplex PCR assay for Detection of Salmonella enterica in dairy and meat Products in local and International Groceries in Columbus, Ohio, USA

    Achenef Beyene Research Scientist Ahmed Yousef Department of Food Science and Technology ...

  2. Online Webinar- New Pesticide Applicator Training- August 19, 2020

    need recertification credits, please attend one of our  2020 Commercial Recertification Conferences  in ...

  3. STEAM in Lima

    Brundige Youth Development Fund for Positive Youth Development Research. Click here to read the full ...

  4. Improving colorimetric properties and stability of acylated anthocyanins through UV irradiation

    properties and stability. Trans-isomers can isomerize to cis under UV irradiation in methanol. Our goal was ...

  5. Establishment of Baseline Levels for California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) Welfare Assessment

    active behaviors, while sex (p = 0.3865) had no effect. Our results suggest time period and change in ...

  6. 2019 Urban Landscape Pest Management Workshop

    Urban Landscape Pest Management Workshop Sponsored by: Ohio State University Extension and Ohio ... a current pesticide license, please visit our New Applicator page. Check In:  Check-in will begin at 7:45 ...

  7. Intranasal deliverable mannose surface conjugated chitosan-based influenza nanovaccine for nursery pigs

    Sankar Renu Post Doctoral Renukaradhya Gourapura Food Animal Health Research Program Virulent ...

  8. West Central Ohio Precision Agriculture Day: Combine and Drone Technology

    feature presentations on decision agriculture, aerial imagery, utilizing field data, nutrient management ...

  9. The Effect of Brief Human-Animal Interaction on the Stress, Mood, and Anxiety levels of Undergraduate Students during a Finals Examination Period

    a significant and increasing concern on college campuses across the United States. Prior research has shown that ...

  10. Entrepreneurship in the Agricultural Sciences

    research, including running a startup company. ...
