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Engaged Scholarship Research/Creative Activities Grants Program for Faculty Applications due May 7
Conducting scholarship that is mutually beneficial for the university scholar and for the community is a topic of great interest to members of the Engaged Scholarship Consortium (ESC). ...
OCVN Profiles in Service Webinar
Ohio Dragonfly research, presented by Jim Lemon, OCVN 2017 is the first year of a planned ... submissions. Many of our OCVN’s volunteer in good Odonate habitats and can contribute if they can make photos ... and submit them to iNaturalist. Most of our Odonates can be identified from photographs. The use of ...
Middle Reaches
the floodplain, returning some of the eroded soil from the headwaters area back onto the land. ...
Backyard Naturalist- Online Course from The Wilderness Center
recently is our own backyards. This program is designed to help you connect with and explore your own wild ...
Streamside Landowner Guides
research was to identify decisions streaside landowners make regarding stream health and what influences ... key influences on streaside landowner property management decisions. One of the key findings was that ... look like. Another key finding of this study was that experts in water management and related fields ...
A Day in the Woods- 4 one-hour live session webinars
COVID-19 crisis has changed our lives in many ways, but one thing we can all do safely is spend more time ...
Hands-on Bird Science
Learn about challenges birds face in our changing climate and what scientific techniques can help ... research news from scientists and work-side-by-side with experts from across the country. Whether you are ...
Promoting Infiltration
logjams and was a labor intensive aspect of streamside property management for the landowners we ... serve to restore stream nutrients. For instance woody debris that is embedded in a streambank or bottom ... line to prevent soil erosion and increase the ground?s capacity to absorb water. Many home lawns are ...
GENERAL INFORMATION Arsenic occurs naturally in soil and minerals and may enter the air, water, ... water. Most of the arsenic in water will ultimately end up in soil or sediment. HEALTH EFFECTS Drinking ... the limbs) and skin abnormalities (changes in skin texture and color). Some researchers have found ...
The Wilds Conservation Science Symposium
Symposium will cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to: Rhino reproductive research ...