
Search results

  1. Kitchel reappointed as CFAES senior associate dean

    University of Missouri. Kitchel’s research focuses on the conditions of agricultural teachers’ entry into the ... about the people of this college. I’ve now seen firsthand the passion our people invest in their work as ... we live up to our purpose: We sustain life, ” said Kitchel. “It is truly my privilege to continue ...

  2. Licensing

    You may also attend the morning portion of our New Commercial Applicator Training to become a trained ...

  3. AgTech Innovation Hub awards inaugural research projects

    Tracy Turner COLUMBUS, Ohio–Five innovative research projects have been awarded funding from the ... Nationwide. Nine researchers in The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ... Sciences (CFAES) were chosen to pitch their innovative research project ideas to be completed through the ...

  4. Belury receives inaugural 2024 Nutrition Society of Taiwan Award

    noticeable contributions to advance nutrition research, clinical practice, or education in Taiwan, or ... individuals who have worked in partnership with Taiwanese scientists, researchers, and educators. "Life ... health and disease.” Belury’s research interests include investigating the mechanisms of bioactive lipids ...

  5. Wood Destroying Insect Inspection- In Person- November 13, 2024

    of Agriculture, Pesticide and Fertilizer Section. For detailed information on becoming a WDI ...

  6. Cloudy waters causes African fish to develop bigger eyes


  7. Warning: Cicadas can be a tasty treat, but they can be hazardous to those allergic to seafood

    Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). “Our next ... soil and burrow underground, feeding on tree roots. Some 13 or 17 years later when they’re ready, the ... nymphs emerge from the soil, shed their skin, expand their wings, and harden and pigment their new ...

  8. Haab named director of Ohio State’s School of Environment and Natural Resources

    dedication to advancing science-based solutions and research-driven policies to promote a sustainable future ... environmental and natural resource leaders, pioneering research for understanding complex human-natural systems, ...

  9. Ohio 4-H launches CareerNext to empower youth for tomorrow’s workforce

    marks a significant milestone in our commitment to nurturing the personal and professional growth of ... are paramount for success,” said Margo Overholt-Seckel, program manager, Ohio 4-H Pathways to the ...

  10. Teaching tomorrow’s leaders

    not do as well as I hoped.” As an executive coach and change management consultant, Shannon Stickney ... interviews, and managing multiple projects helps them develop the skills needed to juggle classes, work, and ...
