
Search results

  1. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer Wraps Up For 2018

    encourage young people to explore one of the many career areas that the bioeconomy has to offer. During our ... available on the market today. After participating in our biobased trivia game, participants walked away ...

  2. Sodium

    GENERAL INFORMATION Sodium is widely distributed in soils, plants, water and foods. It is ... of rocks and soils. The concentrations of sodium in groundwater are dependent on the local geological ...

  3. CABLE Student Delegate Spotlight: Ernesto Zuleta

    attracted you to CABLE and what do you hope to gain from your experience? My research field is chemical ... that are involved in this sector from the industry, the academy, and the research sector was what ... and expand my professional network. What are your career aspirations? My passion is research in ...

  4. Conservation Easements

    in the future.  For example, it may require that landowners eliminate all management on a given piece ... used it in the past, although there may be some limitations on how they can manage the land.  For ... from converting the use or management of the land to something else. The typical conservation easement ...

  5. Stream Morphology

    Engineer with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Soil and Water Resources explains the ...

  6. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: Pickaway County Fair

    in our conversations with consumers, namely, the growing interest in using biobased household ... products. No one wants to be exposed to toxic chemicals in their home, and I have noticed that more of our ...

  7. Brad Collins

    assistant in the Autumn of 2017. As a fulltime program assistant, he helps manage grant projects such as ...

  8. Advisory Board

    development expertise. She has served on the management team or Board of Directors of various startup ... of DME as a fuel. Dr. Boudreaux has performed research at MIT, Princeton University and Lawrence ... Holmgren was VP and General Manager of the Renewable Energy and Chemicals business unit at UOP LLC, ...

  9. The Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: Back Again for 2019

    Summer, throughout the summer of 2019. This program reaches a wide audience through our mobile platform, ...

  10. OBIC Bioproducts Innovation Center History

    using renewable biobased feedstocks of interest to Ohio industry. The management strategy has been to ... implement a market pull "Cell to Sell" TM business model to link core research capabilities to ...
