
Search results

  1. Beneficial Insects 101: Getting to Know Ohio’s Butterflies, Bees and Other Good Garden Bugs

    interested in learning about the good bugs in our gardens and landscapes. Taught by Ashley Kulhanek, Marne ...

  2. Spread Kindness Campaign

    kindness, and hope within our community. The week will end with our Family Day celebration. Schedule of ...

  3. Family Day Volunteers Sought

    Family Day Volunteer List.xlsx We appreciate everyone’s help making this such a great event for our ...

  4. Donuts with the Dean

    What I value most in our college is our people, and interacting with all of our faculty, staff and ...

  5. D. Elder and Nathan Crook Facilitate Digital Connectivity in Ghana

    computer labs where students and teachers engage in research and discovery-based education. ...

  6. Fall 2024 CFAES Wooster Library Learning Series

      Beyond Google Scholar:  Take your research to the next level by getting the most out or your ...

  7. American Red Cross Blood Drive

    Drives" button. You will see our blood drive,  if not, enter  Wooster  in the sponsor code. Click the ...

  8. Ohio State experts warn of increased combine fire risk amid record drought

    Resources webpage for updated information on managing forage, irrigation strategies, and soil conservation. ... that Ohio’s drought is now being classified in several levels of severity. “We are seeing many of our ... indicators, such as soil moisture, river levels, lake levels, and overall landscape impacts, hitting extreme ...

  9. Ohio farmers get answers to top concerns at Farm Science Review

    associate professor and Ohio State University Extension field specialist in farm management. “Despite these ... harvest season, Clevenger said. “Our experts will share science-based recommendations and solutions to the ... can speak one-on-one with experts in farm management to ask questions specific to their needs.” New ...

  10. 62nd annual Farm Science Review draws tens of thousands amid severe drought, showcasing innovations, resilience and farm safety

    Nick Zachrich, FSR manager. “We've received great feedback from those in attendance about how the ... new faces or our seasoned customers, we always enjoy having the opportunity to engage with those in ... co-founder of The Ohio Hemp Company. “Our booth was very full every day because there’s a lot of buzz around ...
