
Search results

  1. Annual Stinner Summit — Nov. 15

    healthy Appalachian agroecosystems. Each year, the Stinner Summit gathers farmers, researchers, educators, ...

  2. Ohio Maple Days – Dec. 6 and 7

    feature an expert panel on filtering, cost share programs, managing a timber sale, marketing for ...

  3. Food Preservation: Canning Meat, Poultry, and Game

    Extension. Revised May 28, 2015, by Linnette Goard, Field Specialist; Food Safety, Selection and Management ...

  4. Extension Faculty and Staff Earn Promotion in Rank

    family and consumer sciences  Eric Richer – field specialist, farm management Travis West – educator, 4-H ...

  5. Food Preservation: Preserving Food With Less Sugar

    the necessary equipment are available. Sugar is one form of carbohydrate in our diets. Since ... carbohydrates affect blood glucose levels more than any other nutrient, this fact sheet offers lower ...

  6. X-Disease of Peach, Nectarine, and Cherry

    affected by X-disease appear normal. Management Prevention of X-disease relies on the use of pathogen-free ... propagation and planting material, early detection and testing, management of alternative hosts especially ... purchasing are certified. Monitor and Manage Vectors Leafhoppers are the only known vectors that transmit ...

  7. Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in Your Woodland

    trees, shrubs, and vines in a forest stand. It is a major forest management tool to help woodland owners ... achieve their management objectives. Once ownership objectives are identified, the less desirable trees ... the timber stand improvement operation an income-generating forest management activity. Some ...

  8. Controlling Non-native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Kudzu (Pueraria lobata) Londo, A.J., & Ezell, A. W.. (2004). Effective kudzu control. Management Technical Note 11F. ... management non-native species herbicides forestry urban forestry browse wildlife Agriculture and Natural ...

  9. Growing Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) in Ohio

    plants have been observed to grow well in a variety of soil types, from poorly drained boggy soils to ... a pollinator for fertilization. Therefore, growers can plant one cultivar for fruit production. However, ... in Southern Ohio. Cultivars, fertilization, maturation, climate conditions, and harvest time may ...

  10. Pesticide Use in Schools

    901:5-11-09 Ohio Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Regulations Ohio Pesticide Law does not require schools to ... implement integrated pest management (IPM) programs, but pest management companies that offer IPM are ... Agriculture Pesticide & Fertilizer Regulation Section 614-728-6987 Insects and Pests ...
