
Search results

  1. 1lb Honey Jar

    1lb Honey Jar Please note, we do not ship our products, we only offer for pick up only, we ...

  2. Beneficial Insects 101: Getting to Know Ohio's Butterflies, Bees and Other Good Garden Bugs

    Join us as we spend the day learning about the beneficial insects in our gardens and landscapes. ...

  3. Seun Oladipupo

    endosymbionts for managing urban insects. His research has been highlighted by popular news outlets such as ... do this, our research will focus on: investigating socioeconomic drivers of urban pest prevalence ... extension efforts will focus on using this research-based information to improve urban insect management ...

  4. Pest Alert: Spotted Lanternfly

    invasive plant species is a fast grower that multiples through root sprouts and seeds. Researchers have ... the Great Lakes region.  Refer to the " Spotted Lanternfly Management for Homeowners Guide " ... from Penn State Extension to learn how to handle this new pest. Quick Facts From SLF Management For ...

  5. Teresa Popp

    dissertation research examined the rapid evolution of ion transporter expression during freshwater invasion by ... brackish water copepods. The goal of her current research is to understand the evolution of physiological ... mechanisms involved in copepod osmoregulation during salinity change.  Teresa has a strong research ...

  6. Join the BUGmobile for an annual celebration of all things buggy at the Penitentiary Glen Reservation!

    little creatures that make a huge impact on our ecosystem. So come on down and join the buzz. No ...

  7. Art with Arthropods at the United Titanium Bug Zoo

    We think insects are works of art, so why not use them as inspiration for our other artistic ...

  8. Shin-Yi Marzano

    Shin-Yi Marzano USDA ARS Research Molecular Biologist and Adjunct Assistant Profesor ...   - Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  9. 2024 OSU/OTF Field Day Registration

    Research & Education Facility  2551 Carmack Road Columbus, OH 43210 Join the Ohio State Turfgrass Team ... to get the latest information for managing healthy turfgrass and test out new tools and technology to ... seen a significant increase in scale attacks on our landscape trees and shrubs. We will cover the most ...

  10. Entomology Seminar

    of guest speakers featuring renowned entomologists sharing their research and insights to further the ...
