
Search results

  1. Dr. Logan Minter

    years. Minter's past research has concerned pest management, pollination, and propagation of ... Room 136 Research and Extension Bldg. The Ohio State University South Centers, Piketon ... biostatistics.He has taught undergraduate courses related to these subjects and mentored student research for over 10 ...

  2. Fall Forage Management

    soil fertility program is far and above the most critical component of your alfalfa management ... University Extension The fall is a critical time in our yearly forage management calendar. Regardless of how ... pH and soil nutrients at the recommended levels. This will facilitate rapid stand establishment, so ...

  3. Office Closed (Fairgrounds closed to the public)

    Due to an event taking place on the Clermont County Fairgrounds our Office will be working remote ... on October 4th. Please feel free to reach out to us by email. For a list of our emails CLICK HERE! ...

  4. High Tunnel Workshop

    strawberry production Innovations in managing temperatures inside high tunnels Pest management in high ... and disease management Weed management in high tunnels This event is supported by a North Central SARE ...

  5. Cucurbit Research Update and Pest Scouting Clinic

    Join us to tour research plots and hear updates from Extension specialists on a variety of topics ... including pumpkin management, squash bug thresholds, the use of season-long row covers, watermelon ... diagnostic clinic for growers to fine-tune their pest management strategies. Light refreshments will be ...

  6. PawPaws

    introduce this cropping system in Ohio. This research and education also includes management of native ... Pawpaws Objectives(s) of Pawpaw Research and Education:    This research explores and identifies ... marketability, growth and production characteristics, grafting, pollination management, insect and disease ...

  7. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    other practices to help control your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutrition education ...

  8. Home

    The Clermont County Extension Office is Open Monday through Friday 8am-4:30pm. Our Office will be ... that you call the office first. To talk to a member of our staff, call 513-732-7070 or email a member ... of our Extension staff.     Recipe of the Month Stay up to date with our Calendar of Events!! To read ...

  9. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ... September. Nutrient Prices It can be helpful to compare the prices in Table 1 to the 5-year averages. The ... these nutrient prices, the Cow-Jones Index was used for average US cows weighing 1500 lb and producing ...

  10. Ohio Berry Field Night

    a Specialty Crop Block Grant for our raspberry research and Extension grant; and Ohio Grape Industries ... a blackberry grant; USDA-NIFA through a tomato research grant; Ohio Department of Agriculture and USDA through ...
