
Search results

  1. Soil Health Webinar Series- Understanding the Basics and Practicalities of Biologicals

    to improve soil health and measure impact on crop yield and farm profitability. Please plan to join ...

  2. Revised Ohio Agronomy Guide Available

    normal and trends to include the most recent 30-year period Revised soil fertility recommendations Double ... published in 1966 and serves as the official compilation of adaptive research results and recommendations ... from applied research and educational programs. The 16 th edition includes several updates: Climate ...

  3. Practical Tips to Improve Calf Welfare in Cold Weather

    and frostbite on extremities. In severe cases, cold stress can be fatal. Here are research-backed and ... and educators to design a cold stress management plan tailored to your farm’s unique needs. Routine ...

  4. Winter Calf Management

    Jason Hartschuh, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and ... 70⁰F during the day. Usually, calves deep bedded with straw manage this variation by nesting with their ... heat to keep them warm. One important management step with calf jackets is to keep the jackets dry, ...

  5. Quality Assurance (Test Out)

    are responsible for providing an attendance certificate to •Watch our social media ...

  6. Quality Assurance (In-person)

    are responsible for providing an attendance certificate to •Watch our social media ...

  7. Quality Assurance (In-person)

    are responsible for providing an attendance certificate to •Watch our social media ...

  8. Quality Assurance Test Out

    • Watch our social media pages for shared statewide training that is open virtually or in person • Beef ...

  9. Free Flu Vaccine for Dairy Farmers and Farm Workers

    Jason Hartschuh, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and ...

  10. OSU Community Development Partners with The Ohio Township Association (OTA)

    better meet educational needs in addressing this growth, researchers have begun to learn more about how ...
