
Search results

  1. "Exploring the Heart of It All" Email (and webinar) Wellness Challenge

    wonders that we have in our home state – either by actually visiting or taking virtual tours of sites. The ... email challenge connects participants with tips, research, and resources to help blend nature, health, ... progress and comments. Join our award-winning group as we offer another chance to connect with adults who ...

  2. Farm Tour Volunteers Sought

    (  We are excited to be partnering with the Wayne County Farm Bureau and to showcase the impact our ... campus has for the community.  Our stop will be focused in and around Skou Hall, with both indoor and ... outdoor activities.  To make this event a success we are looking for volunteers for some of our exhibits, ...

  3. Charity Moore

    Charity Moore Research Assistant Professor ... Ohio State University (2008) Bachelor of Arts, Business Management (Economics, Spanish), summa cum ... laude, Asbury University (2003) Charity Troyer Moore is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department ...

  4. Beneficial Insects 101: Getting to Know Ohio’s Butterflies, Bees and Other Good Garden Bugs

    interested in learning about the good bugs in our gardens and landscapes. Taught by Ashley Kulhanek, Marne ...

  5. Spread Kindness Campaign

    kindness, and hope within our community. The week will end with our Family Day celebration. Schedule of ...

  6. Family Day Volunteers Sought

    Family Day Volunteer List.xlsx We appreciate everyone’s help making this such a great event for our ...

  7. Donuts with the Dean

    What I value most in our college is our people, and interacting with all of our faculty, staff and ...

  8. D. Elder and Nathan Crook Facilitate Digital Connectivity in Ghana

    computer labs where students and teachers engage in research and discovery-based education. ...

  9. Spotted Lanternfly- What Do We Do Now

    Come learn about the spotted lanternfly, and what you can do to manage this invasive insect pest. ...

  10. Fall 2024 CFAES Wooster Library Learning Series

      Beyond Google Scholar:  Take your research to the next level by getting the most out or your ...
