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Join the conversation: Celebrate Ohio Soil Health Week at Nov. 12 breakfast event
and nutrient management, will provide an overview of the mechanics of healthy soils. Attendees will ... Soil Fertility. “Healthy soils not only store abundant water, but also purify it for further use, ... the entire spectrum of basic to applied research to further our understanding of the concept and ...
Revised Ohio Agronomy Guide Available
normal and trends to include the most recent 30-year period Revised soil fertility recommendations Double ... published in 1966 and serves as the official compilation of adaptive research results and recommendations ... from applied research and educational programs. The 16 th edition includes several updates: Climate ...
Nitrate Tip- For Animal Safety Add Testing To Forage Analysis
on salmonella and birthing management I would like to remind you of our programs that will be held ... forages. Elevated plant nitrate levels are the result of the plant’s inability to convert soil nitrate into ... plant proteins due to growth being slowed by environmental conditions. Soil nitrates are taken up ...
P & K Fertility Decision with Tight Margins
fertilizer input while avoiding yield loss is to know the ability of soil to supply nutrients through soil ... soil-available phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Once the fertility supply in the soil is known, the Tri-State ... Fertility Recommendations can be used to determine if fertility is low and to what degree. Soil pH is a key ...
Get A Grip On Weeds, Like Poison Hemlock, Now Instead Of Later
A competitive forage stand is maintained by good grazing management, good soil fertility, appropriate pH, ... pastures and forages, identifying problem areas and making plans for management. It’s advised to be ... watching for weeds all season long, but fall is an excellent time to manage biennial and perennial weeds. ...
Ohio State empowers veteran students in their academic journey
“Having a shared experience in serving our country in the military has influenced my approach on a couple ... starting our conversations very easy and easy-going, no matter their pathway and their background with ... health counselor who works specifically with military-affiliated students, helping them manage the ...
Beautiful but harmful: The spotted lanternfly’s growing threat in Ohio
lanternflies begin to lay eggs from late September to early October, vigilance now is crucial in managing the ... 100 plant species, including grapevines, hops, apples, and maple trees, stressing these plants and ... importance of this tool. “This egg scraper is not just a pest management tool; it serves as a critical ...
From field to community: CFAES donates pumpkins to brighten Star House Halloween
assistant director of Waterman. “We are proud to support our local communities through initiatives like this ... engaging activity for the youth at Star House, but also reinforce our commitment to outreach and education ... learning opportunities at Waterman, furthering our mission to support local communities.” Jim Jasinski, ...
Fall 2024 Regional Weeds University
research evaluates weed control and herbicide usage in agronomic and emerging crops, as well as herbicide ... drift and off-target injury. His research program is also a nationwide leader in evaluating drones for ... State University. Mr. Lingenfelter works in Extension and applied weed science research at Penn State, ...
Phones Quieter, Visitors Fewer, But 4-H Program Never Sleeps
applied. The awards are being ordered and coming in down at the Junior Fair Board Office. Our Junior Fair ... Recognition Banquet 4-H Advisory Committee. Our office is still scheduling meetings and working alongside our ... volunteers to have a great banquet. We are expecting around 500 people to attend, from our volunteers, 4-H ...