
Search results

  1. Grand Wild and Scenic River Advisory Council

    Scenic River Manager- NE Ohio ODNR Div. of Natural Areas and Preserves 11027 Hopkins Rd Garrettsville, OH ...

  2. Managing Nutrients in Agricultural Watersheds

    Nutrient runoff from agricultural watersheds presents a challenge for watershed managers as well ... Ohio. The strengths, limitations and plans for validation/revison of Ohio P management tools. Libby ... Dayton, a research scientist with Ohio State University's School of Environment and Natural Resources ...

  3. Two-Stage Ditch Symposium

    agricultural land. Some researchers and soil and water managers are taking a closer look at the design of ... aquatic habitat and sediment and nutrient storage functions to our agricultural drainage networks. The ... constructed and maintained to maximize the transport of water off of the land to improve soil conditions for ...

  4. Source Water Protection webinar

    Kansas is working to protect drinking water through improved soil health, and hear how extension is ... Environmental Field Services Ruth Kline-Roback, Outreach Specialist, Institute of Water Research & ...

  5. Phosphorous

    GENERAL INFORMATION Phosphorus is commonly found in soil, rocks and plants.  Phosphorus is an ... important fertilizer, but is also present in human and animal wastes, in sludges and in detergents. ... Phosphorus is relatively immobile in soil and will not reach groundwater except under certain conditions, ...

  6. Ammonia

    levels in well water.  Water contaminated with sewage, animal wastes or fertilizer runoff may contain ... elevated levels of ammonia.  Ammonia is very soluble in water.   Because of its solubility, excessive soil ... ammonia may penetrate into deeper soils and eventually reach groundwater. In some soils part of the ...

  7. Nutrient Management and Edge of Field Monitoring Conference (Memphis, TN)

    The Nutrient Management and Edge of Field Monitoring Conference will provide an opportunity for ... research, nutrient reduction strategies and activities, and conservation programs that have been successful ... researchers, conservation professionals, and farmers from across the nation to discuss edge of field monitoring ...

  8. Algae Blooms and Land Use Practices

    and how they may help reduce nutrient losses from agricultural lands while improving soil quality. ... This webinar was offered in February of 2011 as part of the webinar series "Research to ... lead to algae blooms in lake environments. Jim Hoorman will review the latest research on cover crops ...

  9. Student Delegates

    feedstocks. His recent research has focused on nutrient management and harvesting techniques and methodologies ... venture into, including bio-fuel management, ecological entities, food production, and much more. To be ... irrigation practices, waste management, and improvement in technology. With a growing population, there is an ...

  10. The Lake

    Activities in the headwaters and middle reaches that cause soil erosion will accelerate the buildup of ... problems as fertilizers from lawns and sewage from septic tanks wash or seep into the lake. Recreational ... residents are coming together to encourage the adoption of best management practices to protect the ...
