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Choosing a milkweed species for your garden
appreciates a dry sunny location and does well in our alkaline soil. The flower clusters are bright orange to ... common milkweed, is the species you most often see along country roads and in our parks. It grows as ... our neighborhoods are mostly flowerless lawns and evergreen shrubs, it is very important to provide ...
Please Welcome Tim McDermott, Our New Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
Please welcome Tim McDermott to the Franklin County Office of OSU Extension. Tim began serving as a half-time Extension Educator for Agriculture and Natural Resources in Franklin County on October 2, 2017. Tim is replacing Brian Kleinke, who left OSU Exte ...
talents. According to the Gallup Organization, "we spend too much time focusing on our weaknesses, ... trying to make them stronger rather than recognizing our strengths." When you focus on your ...
talents. According to the Gallup Organization, "we spend too much time focusing on our weaknesses, ... trying to make them stronger rather than recognizing our strengths." When you focus on your ...
StrengthsFinder- NEW
"we spend too much time focusing on our weaknesses, trying to make them stronger rather than ... recognizing our strengths." When you focus on your weaknesses, you miss out on utilizing what you do ...
Be a Real Money, Real World Volunteer!
Our first event is only 2 weeks away! RMRW is a wonderful opportunity to share your “real world” ...
Ohio 4-H inducts 4 into Hall of Fame
parliamentary procedure and public speaking skills at 4-H club meetings. In addition, Bill's commitment to ...
Gentle Yoga in the Labyrinth Garden with Dr. Maryanna Klatt
and our generous donors to the Medicine and the Arts Endowment Fund ...
"we spend too much time focusing on our weaknesses, trying to make them stronger rather than ... recognizing our strengths." When you focus on your weaknesses, you miss out on utilizing what you do ...
Bamboo Garden
plants that deserve to be planted more widely in our gardens. As this collection demonstrates, bamboos ... adaptable plants, and have been completely pest and disease free in our garden. When planting a bamboo, be ... reach its final height. This also means many of the larger bamboos in our collection have not yet ...