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  1. Program to Discuss Increasing Central Ohio’s Recreation Access

    Resources (SENR) and Fisher College of Business also will give a presentation on the viability of a new ...

  2. SENR Seminar Series

    and Natural Resources, who will present Why Planting Trees May Worsen Global Warming? Managing lands ...

  3. Enchancing Agriculture and the Environment

    of shared success.  Here is an example from OSU Extension in the City local engagement with Ohio ... Extension Service, the St. ClairSuperior Development Corporation, Councilman Joe Cimperman and the city of ... Cleveland. OSU Extension staff will provide agricultural training and employment opportunities along with ...

  4. Undergraduate Students

    At the School of Environment and Natural Resources, we want to make sure our students get the best ...

  5. SENR Seminar: Decision Aiding in Difficult Contexts: Insights from Research in the Developed and Developing World

    The School of Environment and Natural Resources Seminar Series for Spring 2013 welcomes  Joseph ...

  6. Graduate Exit Seminar

    toxicity in common carp. Additionally, the effects of hypoxia on growth, survival, and oxygen consumption ...

  7. ScienceWriters2014

    workshops, briefings on the latest scientific research, extensive networking opportunities, and field trips, ... writers and seasoned professionals. SENR Associate Professor and Wildlife Extension Specialist Stan Gehrt ...

  8. TWEL Karen Willard Thesis

    addition to within-wetland habitat characteristics. ...

  9. SENR Seminar Series

    and Natural Resources, who will present Avian Ecology in the Context of the Full Annual Cycle. While ...

  10. Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series

    Environment and Natural Resources, who will present Conservation of Northern Bobwhites: a Technical Problem or ... for environmental and natural resources management, based on work conducted by my graduate students ...
