
Search results

  1. Comprehensive Energy Management Plan Campus Meetings

    that also could provide new resources for our academic mission. This project could provide benefits in ...

  2. Safety in Working and Handling Livestock

    Safety Association “Handling Farm Animals Safely” fact sheet and the OSU Extension “Working Safely With ...

  3. Hugh Walpole's Graduate Defense Seminar

    to their increased rates of structure survivability and reduced strain on public safety resources and ...

  4. Climate and Agriculture: Opportunities for Midwestern Agriculture

    to preserve our natural resources while increasing production with climate change.   Dr. Jerry L. ...

  5. Working Group Formed to Build Capacity for Science-Based Solutions to Carnivore Conflicts in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

    Jeremy Bruskotter, associate professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources is ...

  6. Ohio’s Bats Do Scary-Good Work, Face a Real Horror Story

    works in CFAES’s  School of Environment and Natural Resources, will give an update on the disease during ...

  7. The Effects of Fracking

    Environment and Natural Resources; and Michael Farren, PhD candidate, OSU Energy Economics, Policy Analysis, ...

  8. 4-H News and Notes: April 17, 2017

    must be sent to the Extension Office by August 1. Upcoming Deadlines! Horse Special Request Forms Due- ...

  9. Teaming up with farmers to protect Ohio’s water

    Resources. Phosphorus is an agricultural pollutant often implicated in reduced water quality in Ohio. It is ...

  10. Post-Award Grant/Contract Management

    project personnel, nearing end date, extensions, and supplemental funding   4.  Release Time/Cost Share ...
