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  1. Mining Ohio Historic Data that went into Tri-State Recommendations

    work, the extensive data that went into these recommendations were not systematically compiled and ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-04

    responsiveness to additional nitrogen.  Is this necessarily a true statement? The short answer is not ... lost from the pre-greenup application.  In addition, the producer generally does not get N at a lower ... jointing or stem extension, heading, and ripening. The main yield components of the crop are head-bearing ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-05 Additional information on the flea beetle can be obtained from OSU Extension Fact Sheet ... beetle injury and Stewart’s bacterial blight, and get additional information on Stewart's disease of ... OSU Extension provides recertification education opportunities in all counties in Ohio. If you still ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-12

    the rate of 1.5 lbs ae/A. The addition of Classic or Synchrony XP may improve control of dandelion.- ... label (Section 3) for use on wheat. This new addition brings the list of fungicides currently labeled ... For additional information about BCW and other early season pests of corn, see the OSU FactSheet ...

  5. 2007 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest

    Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, The OhioStateUniversity The 2007 Ohio Dairy ...

  6. Ohio's Statewide 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl

    Dr. Maurice L. Eastridge, Professor and Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University The ...

  7. Prevalence and Management Factors Associated with Staphylococcus aureus

    Dr. Luciana da Costa, Dept. Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Extension Dairy Veterinarian, The Ohio ...

  8. Adjusting No-till Burndown Programs for Later Planting

    – glyphosate, 2,4-D and Sharpen.  The addition of metribuzin can also result in more consistently effective ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-18

    subject to extended dry conditions.  Keep in mind also that prolonged dry conditions suppress additional ...,  In addition, it is essential that one use ... mites increase when certain herbicides are applied post emergence.  Additionally, because mites are ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-39

    threshold of 250 aphids per plant is reached. Additionally, these seed treatments are labeled for the bean ... Research, Why Statistical Analysis Matters Authors: Robert Mullen When a state Extension specialist or ... Extension educator makes a presentation, the individual will occasionally make reference to “statistical ...
