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C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-32
2,4-D 3. Some additional comments on these treatments, based on the results of OSU research:- Glyphosate ... glyphosate-containing treatments with ammonium sulfate, and additional nonionic surfactant if specified by the product ... additional money does not result in more effective control of emerged weeds. Treatments that cost more can be ...
Controlling Marestail Postemergence in Corn
PPO inhibitors (group 14), Cadet, Aim, and Resource, do not have adequate activity on marestail. Use ...
Supplemental Forage Options for Late Summer to Early Autumn Planting
poor for many due to delayed harvest and rained on hay. The need for additional forage supplies this ... many other varieties we tested. Additional data from our September plantings in 2014 will be made ... planting or at early tillering stage. Additional nitrogen will be required next spring for good production. ...
FSR Agronomy College coming September 15th
Agronomists, CCAs and Custom Applicators to attend. 9 a.m. start – our OSU Extension agronomic crop state ... Vyn, Purdue University 3) UAV & Remote sensing- John Barker OSU Extension 4) Precision Ag – Using ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-23
make sure that it is extensive enough and also an expanding problem. Although not having received ... high populations over the next few months in soybean. Please let your county extension educator know ... Fulton County Fairgrounds from 8:30 (Registration) until 3:15 by Ohio State University Extension ...
Fall Manure Application Tips
applications to capture the available nitrogen and turn it into organic nitrogen in the form of additional ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-18
severe wheat scab epidemic. Surveys conducted by our county Extension Educators show that the level of ... applied prior to soybean emergence. One exception is the addition of FirstRate or chlorimuron to ... producers determine whether or not additional nitrogen application was warranted due to an excessively wet ...
July 30 Field Crops Day
Recommendations. Ohio State University Extension speakers include: Anne Dorrance, Steve Culman, Peter Thomison, ...
Poor seed quality reported from a few fields: Separating insect injury from the fungi
pod more vulnerable to diseases such as Phomopsis or other fungi. In addition, bean leaf beetles can ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-17
its own challenges to get as much yield as possible before harvest, but there is an additional threat ... be placed by June 18 th. Once again, OSU-Extension will be running traps in Ohio cornfields across ... and identification guides. Additional information can be found in the October 2010 issue of the ...