
Search results

  1. Early Termination of Cover Crops

    summer.  On a recent OSU Extension Ag Crops team conference call, Jim Noel from the National Weather ... the most economical options.  A Purdue Extension publication entitled “Successful Annual Ryegrass ... cover crop.  Mark Loux, OSU Extension Weed Specialist says that the Sharpen option only needs to be used ...

  2. What's Limiting Soybean Yield?

    additional data in the last two columns of the Survey Form for two 2014 soybean fields on your farm. If you ...

  3. The Certified Crop Adviser

    the OSU Agronomic Crops Team, will be offered at the Shelby County Extension Office, 810 Fair Rd, ...   Course contact: Harold Watters, CPAg, CCA Ohio State University Extension 1100 S. Detroit St ...

  4. OARDC Agronomy In-service: March 5 and 6, 2015

    Extension Educators, Certified Crop Advisors, and stakeholders up-to-date and hands-on training on disease, ... the state and across the country, with presentations and demonstrations by Extension State Specialists ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-26

    addition to the glyphosate resistance, this weed’s rapid growth, large size, extended duration of ... prevent additional new infestations.  The overall goal here is to avoid spreading manure on crop fields ... additional infestations of an extremely aggressive weed, and there could be serious long-term consequences ...

  6. Using Cover Crops with Fall Manure Applications

    nutrients from escaping into lakes, streams and rivers.  In one study, OSU Extension researchers found ...

  7. OSU Agronomic Crops Team at FSR- September 19, 20, and 21

    September 19, 20 and 21. Tickets can be purchased at your local Extension office, at many retailers or ...

  8. Did you calibrate your sprayer? Here is an easy way to do it

    (See extension publication FABE-520 for travel distances for other spacings, and for an explanation for ... equations given in Extension Publication FABE-520 on Calibration you can find optimum travel speed and ...

  9. Corn Leaf Striping

    Purdue University extension soil fertility specialist,  entitled “Striped Corn- Potential Nutritional ... of Kentucky Extension Agronomist, entitled “Cloudy Skies and Striped Corn” ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-27

    resistance. In addition, from controlled inoculation studies, the folks at Purdue confirmed earlier studies ... corn stover and the limited intake that may occur, additional supplementation usually necessary, even ... additional effective fiber in diets for maintaining rumen health. Table 1. Composition (DM basis) of ...
