
Search results

  1. Pickaway County Communications Contest

    Complete contest guidelines and entry forms are available here Entries are due to the Extension ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-22

    reports of economic problems in Ohio, we continue to find additional fields that have low populations of ... soybean aphids. Additionally, locations to our north where we expect the big aphid flight to come from ... :// to help address these ...

  3. Pay Attention to Nozzle Selection to Meet Label Requirements for the New 2,4-D and Dicamba Products

    calibrated and operated properly. A new Ohio State University Extension Publication, entitled “Selecting the ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-19

    Total the score and use the following guidelines: Less than 13- Additional fertilizer not recommended ... 13-16- Evaluate again in 4-7 days 17 or greater- Add an additional 40-70 lbs N/A Some producers may ... consider the use of the presidedress soil nitrate test (PSNT) to determine if additional N fertilizer is ...

  5. Western Bean Cutworm Flight Has Begun

    adults are caught north of US-30, which is about the upper 25% of OH. Additionally, damage reports have ...

  6. Agronomy Webinars for Ohio Growers offered in 2014. First program January 14.

    Ohio State University Extension is offering three educational webinars called Corn, Soybean and ... Management Factors      Dr. Peter Thomison, State Specialist Corn Production, Ohio State University Extension ... Field Crops Entomology, Ohio State University Extension      Dr. Reed Johnson, Entomologist Apiculture, ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-40

    Fusarium. We commonly recommend applying Thiabendazole (TBZ) in addition to the normal fungicide seed ... Eisley Personnel from Ohio State University Extension sampled for first-year, western corn rootworm ... year, none of the fields surveyed ever had > 4 beetles/trap/day. In addition to sampling with the ...

  8. Liabilities & Security Safeguards

    information.  ATPs should be clear and concise when outlining these data protections, in addition to what events ...

  9. Rusts on Wheat and Barley: An Update

    rust and the stripe rust pathogen does not cause stem rust. In addition, the wheat rust fungi generally ...

  10. Some reminders about fall herbicide treatments and cover crops

    rye has at some sites provided enough additional control that fall herbicides are unnecessary, but ... until grass is well established (more than 5 true leaves).  Addition of surfactant may increase injury ...
