
Search results

  1. Lawson hired as assistant professor of agricultural communication at Ohio State

    an excellent addition to our department.” In this new role within the department, Lawson will engage ...

  2. Hayli Skinner

    43115 B.S., 2017 The Ohio State University, Animal Sciences Livestock Safety Farm Safety Extension ...

  3. ACEL Alumni Awards Recipients Announced

    resources/community development educator with Ohio State Extension in Highland County. As a dual program area ... technology, hands-on demonstrations, and videos to keep her community engaged. In addition to her extension ... Dairy LLC in Celina, Ohio. In her role, Ryan uses her extensive dairy background and agricultural ...

  4. Okuley selected for scholarship, attends annual Ag Media Summit

    communication professionals from around the country and gain additional skills and knowledge that will benefit ... this year was as impactful as ever. In addition to being honored as a Forrest Bassford finalist, I took ...

  5. Dominique (Nikki) Tate

    2014-2015 Outreach Committee American Phytopathological Society Office of Public Relations and Outreach ...

  6. ACEL Alumni Award Recipients Announced

    natural resources/community development educator with Ohio State Extension in Highland County. As a dual ... incorporates technology, hands-on demonstrations, and videos to keep her community engaged. In addition to her ... extension work, Beam owns and operates a grain farm in Clinton County. Heading:  Allison Ryan Copy:  Allison ...

  7. Graduate

    issues. Work done by our faculty and students integrates education, research, and outreach showcasing our ...

  8. Edwin Navarro

    Piedras Work Experience and Outreach [2019] I-CORPS@Ohio, Entrepreneur Lead, Team Natural Products and ... Microorganisms  [2016-2018] ASBMB-UPRRP Outreach Coordinator  Hometown Manati, Puerto Rico Honors & Awards ...

  9. Mission and Vision

    learning, discovery and practice in education, outreach and engagement, communication, and leadership. Our ... research, and outreach. Create and maintain a collegial work environment where faculty, staff, and students ...

  10. Anna Testen

    2014-2015 Graduate Student Spring Symposium Coordinator, 2015-  Outreach Committee chair, 2014-2015 American ... Outreach, Board Member, apponted (2015-2016) Graduate Student Committee, Vice Chair, 2014-2015 Biological ...
