
Search results

  1. Sheep and Goat Webinar Series

    McCutcheon and Rory Lewandowski, OSU Extension, “Successfully Producing Small Ruminants in a Forage Based ... -improvement-association-and-ohio-state-university-extension-announces-sheep   ...

  2. Sheep and Goat Webinar Series

    McCutcheon and Rory Lewandowski, OSU Extension, “Successfully Producing Small Ruminants in a Forage Based ... -improvement-association-and-ohio-state-university-extension-announces-sheep ...

  3. Sheep and Goat Webinar Series

    McCutcheon and Rory Lewandowski, OSU Extension, “Successfully Producing Small Ruminants in a Forage Based ... -improvement-association-and-ohio-state-university-extension-announces-sheep ...

  4. Sheep and Goat Webinar Series

    McCutcheon and Rory Lewandowski, OSU Extension, “Successfully Producing Small Ruminants in a Forage Based ... -improvement-association-and-ohio-state-university-extension-announces-sheep   ...

  5. Aquaponics and Aquaculture in Urban Settings

    Join presenter Dr, Laura Tiu, from OSU Extension, for this informative session and learn more ...

  6. 2015 Annual Bi-State Youth Poultry Clinic

    Jack Sidle and Julie Morris. 4H Extension personnel included Lucinda Miller and Jane Wright. Darrin ...

  7. Assuring Quality Care for Animals Signature Program In-Service

    Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. This in-service will offer sessions relevant to all Extension ... care/welfare. Formerly the 4-H Animal Sciences In-Service, Quality Assurance training for Extension ...

  8. This Week's Reason to Smile

    If you've ever stopped by Plumb Hall 116, you probably already know Teagan. Here's a picture of Teagan preparing to go out in the awful rain we had last Thursday. Although she looked very stylish, the raincoat wasn't her favorite so her mom ...

  9. In the News

    extends reach of Extension Ohio's Country Journal. Feat. Dr. Steve Boyles, Mr. Gregg Fogle, Dr. Marty ...

  10. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1980-1985

    Landmark, Inc., as a member of the Ohio Extension Advisory Committee, as a member of the board of directors ... 1981.  He has been a dairy farmer, an educator and extension dairyman first at the Univ. of Maryland from ... 1946-50, and served as a professor of Dairy Science and state extension specialist at OSU from 1954-81. ...
