Our lab is investigating the effects of long-term phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilization on quality and yield in soybean and corn crops. Our study is designed so that the same four fertilization rates (control (0), 1x, 2x, and 3x) are applied routinely to the same trial plots. The plots are on a corn-soybean rotation with fertilizer treatments being applied after the soybean rotation when the plots are going into corn. This research is currently being led by Jordon Wade. Read below for his project summary.
Jordon Wade, PhD candidate
My dissertation research investigates linkages between soil health and nutrient availability. Using ongoing long-term fertilizer trials from across the Midwest, my work seeks to answer the basic question: “does a healthier soil require less nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) fertilizer?” To better understand potential driving factors, my project focuses specifically on biochemical and physical processes in long-term P trials in Ohio corn-soy cropping systems. These projects hope to help farmers better quantify agronomic benefits of improved soil health. Additionally, I am working with several collaborators to better refine several common soil health metrics to give growers increased confidence in measuring soil health.